Date: 23 August, 2020

Two manuscripts in one book:

Bookkeeping: An Essential Guide to Bookkeeping for Beginners along with Basic Accounting Principles

LLC: What You Need to Know About Starting a Limited Liability Company along with Tips for Dealing with Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Taxes as a Small Business
Although keeping a record of your income and expenses may seem straightforward, bookkeeping today involves many complexities.
Today, we often see small business owners handling their own finances, but most owners of large companies hand over their accounts to professionals.

In this book, you will discover all you need to master the art of bookkeeping.

This comprehensive guide will explain bookkeeping simply and efficiently.

One big mistake people make when starting a business is to begin without actual knowledge of how the process works.

This book shows you the steps of forming a Limited Liability Company and helps you discover the essentials of how to operate it successfully.
In three highly insightful sections, we carefully break down the entire process of forming an LLC from scratch and running a fully IRS-compliant Limited Liability Company.
Besides taking you through the easy route of creating an LLC, this book will also show you the most important things you should know about a Limited Liability Company.
In total, this book is very much what you need to start your own business!

If you want to learn more about bookkeeping, get this book now!

Only $2.99 for Amazon Kindle on August 23, 2020