In 1969, the Central Intelligence Agency opened the program named Tiny Threat. Since its conception, the program was plagued with problems. They found that trying to train, candidates under a certain age level was close to impossible.
After turning control of the program over to the Department of Defense in 1999, candidates excelled. They infiltrated more enemy strongholds than ever before. Even though the casualty rate dropped dramatically, eight out of 10 were still dying in the field from battle related injuries.
It wasn’t until 2012, the program went through its last and final restructuring. Assuring guardians and parents the risk was minimal at best, their juvenile wouldn’t be killed. Since then, the loss to debt ratio continued to decline. Praising the success in 2014, the program was renamed to the current ‘Commando KidZ.’
In 2015, the program was given a cash infusion of $2.2 billion, from the Pentagon’s Black Fund. The Black Fund budget was designed and backed by the Department of Defense for projects that are considered top-secret or clandestine in nature.
So far to date, 2000 missions have been carried out successfully.