Deal : Non-Fiction

Date: 26 March, 2021

Although there are many books on the golf swing, none focuses on taking the mystique out of golf for women new to the game. Here is a step by step guide which provides an insight into the often unwritten rules for conduct both on and off the golf course. WOMEN NEW TO GOLF is the first book to: • Offer 10 tips on how to decide if golf is for you without spending a fortune; • Provide the longest list ever compiled of questions you need to ask before you decide which golf club to join; • Explain in easy-to-understand...

Date: 26 March, 2021

Pandemic to Peace is an easy, entertaining, and engaging journey that aims to lead you away from the trauma of the global pandemic, devastated economy, dirty politics, misinformation, civil unrest, and chaos. This book is like that warm cup of soup on a cold, stormy night. It will soothe your soul and show you how to increase your Health, Wealth, Peace, and Happiness in any situation. Not only will you heal from the crisis of today, but you will also learn to protect yourself and your loved ones from any future crises. FREE eBook from March 26 - 28, 2021

Date: 23 March, 2021

Two captivating manuscripts in one book: Church History: A Captivating Guide to the History of the Christian Church, Including Events of the Crusades, the Missionary Journeys of Paul, the Conversion of Constantine, and More The Reformation: A Captivating Guide to the Religious Revolution Sparked by Martin Luther and Its Impact on Christianity and the Western Church From its modest beginnings in the Near East, the Christian Church evolved to be one of the major social institutions of the world. It began with a handful of followers of Jesus Christ, and today, the number of Christians is around 2.5 billion. The...

Date: 22 March, 2021

Wordpress Websites For Business guides you through the process of building a website that will sustain and grow your company. Using the techniques detailed in this book I am currently bringing in more than 700 leads a month for one of my clients with a value of over one million dollars. All of the tools you need to perform these optimization processes and achieve the same results now are included and detailed in this book. By following these processes you'll build an asset that your company will depend on to bring in leads and sales for years. One of my...

Date: 21 March, 2021

He was referring to the green hills of Ireland’s countryside in his poem “When Erin first rose.” The countryside is what defines Ireland probably the best since, for a long time, it played a major role in the economy and culture of the nation. From early primitive settlements to 20th-century villages, Ireland’s countryside remains a mystical place where an idealized and romanticized life awaits. The Emerald Island was a place of conflict that developed throughout the centuries and perhaps lingers even today. By overcoming the difficulties that troubled the Emerald Island since the medieval ages, the proud Irish men and...

Date: 19 March, 2021

Marley was our pet Labrador and best friend. This is a story about our nine years with him. The places we went and the adventures that happened along the way. It is a story of the fun times, the happy times and the sad times. I hope you enjoy Marley’s story. FREE eBook From March 19 - 21, 2021

Date: 18 March, 2021

In 2018/19, 6, 502 beds were added to the UK elderly care sector but 6,459 beds were also removed despite the population of 85+ increasing by 8% in 5 years. Looking at the closed homes, two-thirds of closed English homes were rated 'inadequate' or 'requires improvement' by the Care Quality Commission." *More than ever, home managers need as much help as possible to keep their CQC ratings high and stay financially viable. In his 3rd book on care home leadership, the author shifts his focus from culture and strategy to meet the needs of aspiring and new home managers. In...

Date: 16 March, 2021

From its modest beginnings in the Near East, the Christian Church evolved to be one of the major social institutions of the world. It began with a handful of followers of Jesus Christ, and today, the number of Christians is around 2.5 billion. The growth of the Christian Church is one of the most remarkable events in human history. Generations of historians have marveled at the development of the Christian Church. It began as a modest undertaking by Christ’s disciples and appears today as a multi-faceted global enterprise comprising some 30,000 Christian denominations. All of these offer unique understandings of...

Date: 14 March, 2021

Two captivating manuscripts in one book: Persian Mythology: Captivating Myths of Gods, Goddesses, Heroes, and Legendary Creatures Tales from the Caucasus: Captivating Myths and Legends from Circassia, Armenia, and Georgia The roots of Persian myth extend back more than five thousand years to the culture of the Aryan people who migrated into Iran from India. Ideas from this ancient culture have enjoyed amazing longevity and are alive even today as part of the Zoroastrian faith, which is still practiced in Iran, India, and several other places around the world. However, Persian myth is more than just sacred writings about divine...

Date: 12 March, 2021

A co-worker sarcastically mentions that you’re not contributing enough. When you get offended, they say they were just joking and you’re too sensitive. Your mother constantly criticizes your weight. When you bring up her comments, she denies ever saying them and says you are making up stories. Have you repeatedly found yourself in these types of situations? When this is done to you repeatedly, you begin to feel confused or crazy. These are classic signs that you’re being gaslighted. Discover: -The tactics gaslighters employ.-How to hold on to your grip on reality-Powerful ways to respond to gaslighters-Why self-care is a...