Genres : How To
Legacy of Absence: Resolving the Wounds from Uninvolved Fathers In Individuals, Families, and Society by Tim Olson
Date: 01/18/2023
Despite all the progress in our world-from advancing human rights to life-saving technology, there is a wound that has spread to every corner of society. It affects individuals, families, businesses, and communities.In fact, evidence shows...
Book Length: 150-320 Pages
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Laying The Foundation by Khadijah Butler
Date: 01/13/2023
Laying The Foundation Brick by Brick is a how-to guide complete with resources and links to establishing a 501c3 scholarship foundation to serve the under-served youth in your local community. During the foundation’s formation, it was...
Genre: How To, Non Fiction
Book Length: 60-150 Pages
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The Inner Athlete by Martin Robert Hall
Date: 01/13/2023
HOW MUCH MORE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE CAPABLE OF?HOW OFTEN DO YOU GET IN YOUR OWN WAY?High performance begins in the mind. The more you engage your brain, the more control you will have...
Genre: How To
Book Length: 150-320 Pages
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